He is an accomplished and successful cardiac surgeon with a kind heart and an everlasting smile.
His patience and perseverance towards patients treatment is unwavering which is reflected in the phenomenal success rate he has. With a very strong intention to bring surgical treatment to babies in and around 8 districts of Vishakapatnam and southern districts of Orissa the pediatric unit was set up 5 yrs back. The results match those of reputed international dedicated pediatric cardiac surgical centres .
Educational Background
Trained in cardiac surgery from the prestigious Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences Bangalore
Completed his training in 2010 and was awarded the C S Sadasivam Goldmedal for academic and surgical excellence by The National Board ofExaminations New Delhi.
Professional Experience
Has more than a decade of experience in treating all forms of cardiac ailments.
Has special interest in Total Arterial Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, valve repair surgeries, Minimal access/key hole heart surgeries and aortic dissections.
He is instrumental in setting up first of a kind Neonatal and pediatric cardiac surgical unit in the coastal city of Vishakapatnam dealing with all forms of birth defects of the heart.
First succesfull neonatal Arterial Switch Operation in the State of AP 2017,followed by many more.
Minimal access/key hole surgery done with a high success rate
Establishing a core team of cardiac surgery involving experienced Cardiac Anaesthetists, dedicated and Trained OT /ICU nurses and Chest care physiotherapists.