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What is coronary artery disease?
Coronary artery disease is presently one of the most common worldwide health problems. In this condition blood supply to the heart, and muscles are reduced due to blockages in the
coronary arteries. Cholesterol deposits (plaques) in the arteries usually cause these blockages.
Signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease occur when the heart doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood during increased physical activity. in severe forms of blockages symptoms
appear even at rest.
Angina. I.e, chest pain is an alarming symptom which usually is unrelenting. Pain on the left side of the chest left side of the neck and jaw and radiating to the left arm is typical of angina.
It may be accompanied by excessive sweating, feeling of uneasiness in the chest, giddiness
and sometimes vomiting. When untreated this could lead to heart attack or MI (myocardial
Symptoms as such should not be neglected, especially if the person has diabetes, and is a
smoker has a strong family history of heart ailments.
Evaluation by a cardiac specialist helps to identify the problem early by suitable tests and
appropriate treatment can be initiated.